Outgoing TPPA President Mike Wittler (KPUB General Manager & CEO) is recognized for his dedicated board service by Taylor Kilroy (TPPA Executive Director) at the TPPA annual meeting in Austin, Texas, on July 24. Outgoing TPPA President Mike Wittler (KPUB General Manager & CEO) is recognized for his dedicated board service by Taylor Kilroy (TPPA Executive Director) at the TPPA annual meeting in Austin, Texas, on July 24.

August 13, 2024— Mike Wittler, General Manager and CEO of the Kerrville Public Utility Board (KPUB), has successfully completed his second consecutive term as president of the Texas Public Power Association (TPPA). TPPA, the leading voice for public power in Texas, held its annual membership meeting from July 22-24, 2024, in Austin, where Wittler was honored for his dedicated service.

The TPPA serves as the unified voice of public power across Texas, representing a membership that includes municipally-owned electric utilities, electric cooperatives, river authorities, and joint action agencies responsible for generating and delivering electricity to more than 5 million Texans.

During his tenure as president, Wittler represented publicly owned utility providers at the state and national levels. Wittler has a long career devoted to the public power industry, with close to three decades of industry experience. He joined KPUB as the organization’s chief operating officer in 2006 after 11 years with CPS Energy and was promoted and appointed to the general manager and CEO position in November 2015.

TPPA announced the election of its new officers for 2024-2025 during its annual meeting. Wittler will continue to serve on the TPPA Board, taking on the role of past president on the executive committee for the upcoming year.

“It’s been an honor to serve as president for such an important organization, representing the interests of the public power industry,” said Mike Wittler, KPUB general manager and CEO. “I look forward to continuing my involvement with the TPPA Board, staying engaged with the issues that impact municipally-owned utilities like KPUB.”

Also chosen to serve on the TPPA Executive Committee were the following public power leaders:

  • President: Bryan Woods, College Station
  • President-Elect: Rudy Garcia, CPS Energy
  • Vice President: Darrell Cline, Garland Power & Light
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Marilyn Gilbert, Brownsville
