Generator Use Application

"*" indicates required fields

CUSTOMER INFORMATION (please print your information clearly):
to be completed by the customer or customer’s authorized representative. *All information is required unless otherwise indicated.
Service Address:*
(short description)
(please provide name & cell)
Please select all that apply:*

Generator use:*
(note: one generator cannot provide both)

Voltage needed:*

Cable type needed:*

(if known)

(Include list of equipment and wattage. Please email a drawing of layout if necessary to mailto:[email protected].)

(501c3, school, government, other)

Will KPUB need to provide an employee for standby during the event?*
(this will be subject to employee availability, approval and fee/charge)
Will KPUB need to provide employees for set up and take down of generators and equipment?*
(this will be subject to employee availability, approval and fee/charge)
CUSTOMER SIGNATURE (please type your name in the box below)
I have read and understood the terms and conditions for the KPUB critical load registry. I certify that the information provided on this application is correct and understand it will be used to determine eligibility for the critical load status.
Typed name will constitute customer signature.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.