Kerrville Public Utility Board is closely monitoring the evolving situation with regard to COVID-19.
First and foremost, we are committed to the safety of our employees, customers and community.
The first branch of our corporate vision is safety. Safety is built into how we work, how we live and what we teach. We only do the work when we can do it safely.
Beyond monitoring COVID-19, KPUB is working internally, with our peers in the electric utility industry, and our government and regulatory partners to gather and share up-to-date information, best practices and guidance to stay safe and maintain operational integrity.
KPUB is preparing with our mutual aid partners with the American Public Power Association to ensure reliable service to our customers in case of disruptions caused by COVID-19. We are also following recommendations provided by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation for COVID-19 Pandemic Contingency Planning.
Here are recommended tips from KPUB:
• We are recommending customers to access & make payments to their accounts online to minimize public interaction.
KPUB has several convenient ways to pay their bill remotely, including via our SmartHub mobile app, by phone or online here.
• Activating or transferring service at an existing meter location may be initiated online, and we offer same-day connect for customers that fill out the proper paperwork.
• Wash your hands often w/soap & warm/hot water for at least 20 seconds. Clean & disinfect any of your frequently touched objects & surfaces. KPUB is providing enhanced cleaning in our office & enhanced sanitization during this time period.
• Take time to learn the facts, stay educated with credible services & remain calm. Education & precaution are essential to calm fears and contain the spread of viruses. Make sure to seek information from the CDC & other credible sources.
• Remain vigilant for scams related to COVID-19. Scammers may send emails with malicious attachments or links to fraudulent websites to trick victims into revealing sensitive information or donating to fraudulent charities or causes.
Exercise caution in handling any email with a COVID-19-related subject line, attachment or hyperlink. Be wary of social media pleas, texts or calls related to COVID-19.