August 10, 2020: Joint Press Conference:

Notice is hereby given of the Kerrville City Council, the Kerr County Commissioners’ Court, the Kerrville Economic Improvement Corporation, the Kerrville Public Utility Board of Directors, the Kerrville Economic Development Corporation and the Kerrville—Kerr County Joint Airport Board attendance at the Skymaster business development project announcement on Thursday, August 13, 2020, 10 a.m., at the Kathleen C. Cailloux City Center for the Performing Arts, 910 Main Street, Kerrville, TX 78028.

Please note that a quorum of the Kerrville City Council, the Kerr County Commissioners’ Court, the Kerrville Economic Improvement Corporation, the Kerrville Public Utility Board of Directors, the Kerrville Economic Development Corporation and the Kerrville—Kerr County Joint Airport Board may or may not be present; in any event, no action pertaining to city or county business will be taken by the Kerrville City Council, the Kerr County Commissioners’ Court, the Kerrville Economic Improvement Corporation, the Kerrville Public Utility Board of Directors, the Kerrville Economic Development Corporation and the Kerrville—Kerr County Joint Airport Board.

Notice: Due to the on-going threat of COVID-19 and the need to social distance, general public attendance will be accommodated virtually only through live video streaming on the City’s website at and on Cable TV Channel 2.

To download a copy of this announcement, click here.