Kerrville, Texas, February 27, 2021–The Kerrville Public Utility Board will hold a special called joint meeting on Thursday, March 4, beginning at 9 a.m. Click here to download the meeting agenda.

Due to COVID-19, the meeting will be hosted via Webex teleconference, event number 187 976 9105

Click the following link to join the meeting on March 4:

Join the meeting by phone by dialing: +1-408-418-9388
Access code: 187 976 9105


COVID-19 (Coronavirus) provides a unique concern in that gathering members of the public and KPUB staff within a physical setting constitutes a public health risk.

The Texas Open Meetings Act (Ch. 552, Tx. Gov’t Code) does not contemplate an instance where a governing body meeting might be completely virtual to avoid further spread of COVID-19. However, on March 16, 2020, the Texas Governor suspended certain requirements of the Open Meetings Act to permit open meetings to occur in a fully virtual setting (e.g., telephonic or videoconference meeting).

Pursuant to the City’s Declaration of Disaster, as issued by the Mayor and approved by City Council and which may be found on the City’s website, the City recommended that any public gatherings of 10 or more people in a single indoor location be canceled or postponed until further notice. Based upon this information and the Governor’s most recent order, KPUB plans to hold board meetings only as necessary.

When it is necessary for KPUB to hold a meeting, KPUB will convene in a virtual forum (e.g. webinar and/or teleconference) to avoid and mitigate the public health risks.