Community Solar
Save money every month on your KPUB bill with our community solar rate!
KPUB’s community solar partner program is one that’s received national recognition by the U.S. Department of Energy for low-to-moderate income (LMI) housing.
There are four community solar systems in KPUB’s service area, which are located at Mo-Ranch, Schreiner University, City of Kerrville—Spur 100 & KPUB’s John E. Sample site on Goat Creek Road. Energy from these systems helps reduce KPUB’s peak load in the summertime, reducing costs associated with peak energy pricing and delivery of energy over the statewide transmission grid.
KPUB receives all of the solar output. We then allocate the output to both the LMI residents and nonprofits hosting the solar systems, with 49% benefiting the nonprofits and 51% to the LMI households. KPUB’s billing system calculates the energy produced by the systems on a per panel average and credits customer accounts with each month’s energy production.
KPUB is currently accepting applications for solar access to low-to-moderate income housing customers to add to our community solar rate and receive solar credit discounts on their KPUB bills. The solar output credit will fluctuate with the actual output, but it typically ranges between $5 to $12 a month. There is no cost to the customer for this program or solar panels that are required to be installed.
Below is a matrix with maximum income limits based on the number of people in your household that we use to qualify customers. These are the 2023 HUD income guidelines for Kerr County. If your income is within your # of household’s range, please complete the Community Solar Program Application and return it to KPUB.
# of people in household & maximum income limits |
1 in household | 2 in household | 3 in household | 4 in household | 5 in household | 6 in household | 7 in household | 8 in household |
$43,550 | $49,750 | $55,950 | $62,150 | $67,150 | $72,100 | $77,100 | $82,050 |
Click the button below to download the KPUB Community Solar Program Application.
KPUB’s Community solar site locations
Site #1 • Mo-Ranch
Mo-Ranch was the first solar host to sign on to the project. The system is located off of Rock Bottom Road near its main campus, and it’s rated to produce 0.99 MW at peak and covers approximately 7 acres.
Site #2 • Schreiner University
Schreiner University was the second solar host to become a part of the community solar project, and the site covers approximately 4 acres. The system is rated to produce 0.75 MW at peak. KPUB is looking forward to pursuing opportunities to use their solar system as a case study for business and STEM projects.
Site #3 • City of Kerrville—Spur 100
The City of Kerrville was the third solar host, and they are also the largest hosting site. Their site hosts two systems rated for 0.99 MW at peak. The site is located on the city’s Spur 100 property, and it covers approximately 14 acres.
Site #4 •John E. Sample site
The fourth site is a leased site that covers approximately 10 acres near Goat Creek Cutoff Road, and it hosts two solar systems: one rated at 0.99 MW peak and another at 0.5 MW peak. The systems are named after KPUB’s past board chair, John E. Sample.
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